Friday, December 21, 2007

The stuff I can do now...... Part 2

HA HA HA. I can feed myself....can send kakak Aishah back to Indonesia Mummy!

Mini PotPet Part 2

I'm the happiest baby in town!

The stuff I can do now.... Part 1

## lift my feet up high and put them into my mouth ##

** circle around my cot ** not enough space = no fun

!! Hold my own bottle !! yeay!!

...... laugh and cry at the same time

My ZOO visit

Since Abah forgot to bring the camera along, I only have this 1 pic. My first real view of an elephant! this was at Melaka Zoo - 16Dec07. Can only see quarter of Abah's face.

I've passed the "No No" zone!

You know when people say, "Dont give him that yet, have to wait till 6 months", "This is not allowed until baby is months old", "Not to be given to baby under 6 months", yadda, yadda, yadda....
Well people!! I'm 6 months old! YEAY! so i'm allowed to swallow some Real Food! Finally!!
<-- Opss... that's not food!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

fever beaver

me got my first fever last couple of days.. mummy brought me to see dr. zanariah n she gave me ubat for my fever and loose errk erkk!! me feeling moody and uneasy.. didnt smile to ppl for 3 days.. then me had to go see a paediatrician today coz me getting all spotty.