Monday, July 30, 2007

More Families

These are my maternal uncles/aunts/atuks/neneks... they all came to visit me when I was 3 days old.. me being held by uncle munir

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Ilyaz's Paternal Great Grandparents

Hi My son,
These are your great grandparents...Dato'Syed Esa Alwee Shahab and Datin Sharifah Enson Ali, How I wish they were still around to see you Ilyaz, suffice to say that your grandparents were truly amazing, they lived a great life filled with respect,honour,love and kindness. Always helping others, always caring and always thoughful. You my son, must remember them, as their lives were inspirational....yours must be too.

Friday, July 20, 2007

30-days old!!

HallooOOoooOooo people...
I'm 30 days old already!!! that was fast, wasn't it? Do you think now I can start learning how to drive?? ha ha!
Now me so manja with mummy, wouldn't wanna sleep without her cuddling me..

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This is my Mak Long (Mummy's eldest sister) and Pak Long (holding me). The 2 gals are my cuzzs - kakak syirah and kakak syanee. Another one is not in pic, cuzz mamad, the youngest of my sister's kids.

Sweet little slumber

Hmmm.. guess what am I dreaming of..........

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Origin of My Name - Ilyaz

Elijah (Hebrew: אליהו, Eliyahu, also known as Elias/Ilyaz) was a prophet in Israel in the 9th century BC. He appears in the Hebrew Bible, Talmud, Mishnah,Bible, and the Qur'an.

In the Qur'an, Elijah is a prophet known as Ilyas (إلياس) in Arabic. Similar to the story in the Hebrew Bible, Elijah preaches in opposition to Baal, pleading with the people not to forsake Allah ( The Qur'an 6:85, 37:123-132).

"Dan sesungguhnya Ilyas termasuk salah seorang dari rasul-rasul. (Ingatlah) ketika ia berkata kepada kaumnya: 'Mengapa kamu tidak bertakwa? Pantaskah kamu menyembah Ba'l dan kamu tinggalkan sebaik-baik Pencipta, yaitu Allah Tuhanmu dan Tuhan bapak-bapakmu yang terdahulu?' Maka mereka mendustakannya, karena itu mereka akan diseret (ke neraka), kecuali hamba-hamba Allah yang dibersihkan (dari dosa). Dan Kami abadikan untuk Ilyas (pujian yang baik) di halangan orang-orang yang datang kemudian. (Yaitu) kesejahteran dilimpahkan atas Ilyas? Sesungguhnya demikianlah Kami memberi balasan hepada orang-orang yang berbuat baik. Sesungguhnya dia termasuk hamba-hamba Kami yang beriman." (QS. ash-Shaffat: 123-132)


Syed Ilyaz is 25 days old today!

I am 25 days old today....still keeping both Mum and Abah awake at night...well Mum actually...I think Abah is pretending not to hear me scream at 3 in the morning.....

My Cuzz Syed Agil AlAttas the Bumble Bee

Check out my cuzz Agil in his Bee outfit....

The AlAttas Family Comes to Visit.

My Uncle Reza,Aunt Faeqah and Cuzz Agil came by bearing gifts yet again...they really shouldnt have....especialy the "lady bug" outfit....hehehehe....Abah!....Mummy!....must i really wear this costume!!???...sigh..Cuzz Agil looks cool in the bumble bee outfit...Mummy and Abah truly grateful to Uncle & Aunty for their kind assistance and advice....

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Tommy the Royal Cat and Me

This is Tommy, our Kucing diRaja Siak..hehehehe,...he is ancient almost like Abah...and he is family....we all love this grouchy old cat....